A day of natural ink-making


As part of my residency I’m exploring making and using natural inks. I spent a wonderful day with wild artist and my beautiful friend Carole Shearman in her studio experimenting with ink-making. Carole possesses an extraordinary knowledge of making and using natural art materials and was beyond generous in sharing her knowledge and practices with me today. I’m really grateful to Carole!

Cooking up some colour. It’s all about experimenting and playing.

Raw beginnings: left to right – Carole’s work table, ground pigments, avocado stone/skin, alder, beetroot, pomegranate ink.

Left to right: grinding bone black, ochre.

Left to right: Carole’s wax crayons, Carole’s stick pens and writing tools, Carole’s handmade brushes

Natural ink samples and some finished pots of ink: pomegranate, alder and beetroot.

Making notes and sample records in my journal.

Thank you Carole for all your sharing and patience! I learned loads from Carole and nature today and most of all, feeling confident about going home and making some Peak District Natural inks to use in my handmade book-thing project. Hope you get a chance to try making inks too.

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